april  1.0.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
||oCCmdLogForm that allows interfacing with april-cmd library
||oCDNAEditorDlgDialog to create or edit a kind
||oCDockRepresents the base class for a docking panel
||oCDockCmdLog_pImplementation class
||oCDockCmdLogCommand and log dock panel
||oCDockCrtSel_pImplementation class
||oCDockCrtSelProperties of current selection
||oCDockIds_pInternal tree entry
||oCDockIdsThe list of IDs
||oCDockTree_pTree component
||oCDockTreeThe tree of the world listing all objects
||oCDockWorld_pPrivate data for worlds
||oCDockWorldInformations about the world
||oCMWForm that represents the main widget for the application
||oCNewActorDlgDialog to add a new actor
||oCNewWorldDlgDialog to create a new world
|||\CGeneralDataData for general tab
||oCPlginEntryEntry in the list of plug-ins
||oCPluginsDlgDialog to list plugins
||oCSceneViewerAn enhanced scene viewer based on QGraphicsView
||oCAGuiAn Actor with gui characteristics
||oCAGui2DAn Actor with 2D position
||oCAGui3DAn Actor with 3D position
||oCAQSceneAn actor in a QGraphicsScene
||oCWorldQSceneA world in a QGraphicsScene
||\CWqsTAutoA world in a QGraphicsScene with a timer
|oCAbstractAprilMain class for abstracta application
|oCAprilLibraryRepresents the root structure for the library
||\CLibPropsEntire set of properties
|oCAprilModuleBase class for all modules
|oCAaTokenToken descriptor (string is not contained inside)
|oCAaTkStringTokenised string; contains the string itself and the list of tokens
|oCAprilTokenizerA class capable of splitting strings into tokens
|oCCommandMapClass capable of storing a list of commands and associated callbacks
|oCAModActorModule that provides commands related to actors
|oCAModActuatorModule that provides commands related to Actuators
|oCAModAprilModule that provides commands related to introspection
|oCAModBrainModule that provides commands related to brains
|oCAModDNAModule that provides commands related to DNA
|oCAModEventModule that provides commands related to events
|oCAModIdModule that provides commands related to IDs
|oCAModPlugInsModule that provides commands related to plug-ins
|oCAModReflexModule that provides commands related to reflexes
|oCAModSensorModule that provides commands related to sensors
|oCAModWorldModule that provides commands related to worlds
|oCActorAn active ocupier of the world
|oCActorCompBase class for components of an Actor
|oCActorFactoryFactory class for agents
|oCActuatorBase class for actuators
|oCActuatorFactoryFactory class for actuators
|oCAOutputManages the output in abstracta application
|oCBrainBase class for a brain
|oCBrainFactoryBase class for brain factories
|oCComponentBase class for various components
|oCDirectorManages the runnings of a world
|oCDNARepresents persistent read-only storage space for Actors
||oCInitDataInitialisation data
||\CPartitionEntry in the list of partitions
|oCDNAViewProvides access to an ID tagged portion of the DNA
|oCEventDataA packet in an EventLine
|oCEventFactoryFactory class for events
|oCEventLineBuffers between events and sensors
|oCEventSourceAn event is a way to stimulate agents from a world
|oCFactoryBase class for factory classes
|oCGenericActorFactoryA generic actor factory
|oCReflexA base class for a reflex
|oCReflexFactoryBase class for reflex factories
|oCSensorBase class for sensors
|oCSensorFactoryFactory class for sensors
|oCUniqueIdProvides support for unique identificators
|oCWorldA world hosts agents, events, environment
|\CWorldFactoryClass capable of creating worlds
oCABOX2DRepresents a rectangle that is aligned with the axis
oCABOX3DAn axis aligned rectangle with height
oCAprilPluginInterfInterface for plugins used with April
oCAprilPluginLoaderClass to load and manage plug-ins
oCIdEntryItem in a list holding an ID for future use
oCP2DPoint in 2D space
oCP3DPoint in 3D space
\CWQS_UnitItem for scene that represents the origin and axis directions