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module_name is part of the command interface for april library.


The list of registered types of brains in current world.


b.kinds list kinds of actors
b.kinds helpprints usage instructions


This function lists brains in an actor in current world and some of their basic properties (id, name of the id, running cost and packed energy).


b.list <actor> lists actors in current world
b.list helpprints usage instructions


actorthe actor who'se brains are listed; this is the offset of the actor in the world list


This function creates a new brain in an actor in current world. The energy for the brain is taken from the free energy of the world.


b.new <actor> <id> create new brain instance
b.new helpprints usage instructions


actordestination actor where new brain is created; this is the offset of the actor in the world list
idthe ID of the new brain to create; if the id is invalid or represents a different component the function fails.

Reflexes april-cmd library Actuators