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geometry.h File Reference
#include <limits.h>
#include <qmath.h>

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#define COORDV   int
 the data type used to represent internal values
 special value that marks infinity
#define COORDV_EQ(a, b)   ( qAbs( a - b ) < 0.0001 )
 compares two values to see if they are equal
#define COORDV_SQR(a)   qSqrt(a)
 computes square root of a COORDV
#define COORDV_SIN(a)   qSin(a)
 computes sinus of a
#define COORDV_COS(a)   qCos(a)
 computes cosinus of a
#define COORDV_TAN(a)   qTan(a)
 computes tangent of a
#define COORDV_ASIN(a)   qAsin(a) /*qFastSin(a)*/
 computes arc sinus of a
#define COORDV_ACOS(a)   qAcos(a) /*qFastCos(a)*/
 computes arc cosinus of a
#define COORDV_ATAN(a)   qAtan(a)
 computes arc tangent of a
#define COORDV_ATAN2(x, y)   qAtan2(y, x)
 computes arc tangent of an angle knowing x and y
#define COORDV_PI   3.141592653589793
 the value of PI
#define COORDV_PI_DIV_2   1.5707963267948965
 the value of PI / 2
#define COORDV_PI_DIV_4   0.78539816339744825
 the value of PI / 4
#define COORDV_2_PI   6.283185307179586
 the value of 2 * PI

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Apr 2012