april  1.0.0
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The april project is structured into parts. The basic part is the april-core library. This contains the building blocks as C++ classes: World, Actor, EventSource, Sensor, Reflex, Actuator, Brain to name the prominent ones.

generic diagram.png
Basic flow of information

Extending the april-core library is the april-gui library. This provides classes that inherit the building blocks, adding 2D or 3D locality, graphical representation and so on.

AprilDream application makes use of the april-gui library to present graphical worlds to the user. It can load a single world at a time, save and restore them and see their evolution in real time. Properties of the constituents (worlds, actors, events) are presented and some of them may be edited while the world rests.

Another application is abstract-april - a command line tool also capable of running worlds but without the overhead that AprilDreamer adds due to pretty GUI.

April project should be regarded as something to build on, not necessary as a final product.


Main page for the project is at aprilproject.sourceforge.net. The source code is hosted both at Sourceforge and at GitHub as a git repository. To retrieve it use either one of the comands below:

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/aprilproject/code aprilproject-code
git clone git://github.com/TNick/april.git aprilproject-code

Once in the alpha stage the master branch is expected to be stable, with changes/bugfixes being worked at in side branches.

Whatever binary files were released should be available in Sourceforge downloads section.

If you think that you've found a bug or there is something that you think should be added to the project head to GitHub provided issue tracker.


The project is distributed under the 3-clause BSD license ("Revised BSD License", "New BSD License", or "Modified BSD License") [1]. Read about it in the COPYING file at the root of the source distribution or on Wikipedia.

If this license is keeping you from doing something with this project as a whole or with parts of it please let me know by filling an issue on GitHub provided issue tracker.

The content of this guide

april-core library