april  1.0.0
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Example 1 - Hello world

We will start with a basic "Hello world" program and build up from there:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
cout << "Hello World!\n";
return 0;

The file may be saved as e-1-1.cc. As the project uses qmake to build itself a qmake project is recomended. Here is an example project:

TARGET = e-1-1
SOURCES += e-1-1.cc
CONFIG += console

This may be saved in a file, say e-1-1.pro, then open a console and type:


However, for the needs of this tutorial, the project file needs to be adjusted so that the compiler finds include files and the linker finds the libraries we use (april and bbb - http://sourceforge.net/projects/libbbb/).

april-core library Example 2 - Creating a world