AiTown - aitown-dstorage


aitown-dstorage is a library that provides distributed storage.

Because the working memory (RAM) in a computer is a very limited resource while the physical storage is far larger, we need a way to use it for storing information. The system must allow (fake) memory drives, local hard-drives, drives attached to local network computers or remote servers on the wild internet.

The id

Each individual chunk is referenced using an unique id (64-bit unsigned integer, at least). This value is used as a key into a database where the value contains information about how to retrieve the memory chunk. For efficiency reasons this value has a fixed lenght.

The value contains following fields:

  • a 64-bit (8 bytes) timestamp of last access
  • a 32-bit (4 bytes) unsigned integer to indicate the controller's index in the list;
  • a 32-bit (4 bytes) controller defined value
  • two 64-bit (2 x 8 bytes) controller defined values

This reaults in a value field consisting of 32 bytes, with 20 bytes being available for the controller.


To allow for various storage back-neds, a controller is used. Controllers are identified by unique names and their index in the list of known controllers. Once a controller is added to this list it never leaves it, so that the index remains valid. The controller itself (the plugin providing the controller) does not need to be loaded; if not present, an attempt to access that resource will return a "temporarly unavailable" status.

Each time a controller is loaded and requests registration its name is looked up and, if not found, a new entry is appended. If found, that entry is used (and previous instance discarded, if any).

Controllers are also ranked by their performance. The fastest controller is used to create new chunks; when full, next controller in the list is used and so on.

This method of dealing with memory chunks has the advantage that the data may be transferred arround without loosing the reference to it; the controller only needs yo change the value field or data may be transferred to another controller entierly. A task for the sleep time may be to move frequently used data to fastest controllers.

The Handle

The client code uses a handle to refer to a pice of information. That handle contains, among other things, the id. Multiple handle may exist for the same id but, when this condition is detected, the two handles are collapsed into a single one, if possible.

The user only needs to store the id and may be unaware about where the information is stored (on a local storage device, on a computer in the local network or on a server miles away).

When the user wants to get a pointer to that information, it first requests a handle, then requires that handle to be resolved. No particular handle is guaranteed to be resolvable. The user sets a callback and is informed when information is available, or that it is temporary unavailable or lost forever. This status is also cached in the handle.

The handler holds a pointer to allocated memory (or NULL if not allocated), the status (resolved, not resolved, uninitialised, temporary unavailable or deleted) and a reference counter. When the reference counter reaches 0 the handler is added to a list that is iterated when the memory is scarce and the memory chunk is freed. When the memory is really low the chunk may be freed right away. In this system is is highly more likelly to get a memory allocation error than in the regular malloc calls, so each request must be designed with that in mind.

The handle also has a dirty flag to indicate that the content should be writed to controller before discarding the memory chunk.
