aitown-db is a library that provides a common interface for various databases. The manager needs to be initialised once when the application starts and terminated at the end. It contains a list of providers (drivers) that are referenced by name (string) in code. Drivers can be added and removed dynamically and the implementation contains drivers for KyotoCabinet, TokyoCabinet and MySQL. If corresponding libraries are found at cmake time them these drivers are build and loaded when the manager gets initialised. The driver is basically a structure that holds pointers to functions to perform required tasks as asked by the manager. The user only interacts with the manager and will select appropriate method from driver table. When a connection to a database is requested the requested driver is looked up and the database instance is created by it. Options to fine-tune the database are provided (like fixed size keys and values) but the driver is not required to implement them (it may use generic implementation). Writing and reading are done by referencing the manager and using counted buffers of bytes. No type is assumed about the key or the value in the general form of the functions. If the user provides a callback then the call may be asynchronous, depending on the driver. If the user does not provide a callback the functions will block until a response is received or a time-out occurs, even if underlying driver performs an asynchronous operation.